It’s an Experience

You are invited to a wedding like no other, your wedding experience at Adams Peak

Join us February 23 at 1:30pm for a fully immersive wedding day where everything will look, feel and taste like a wedding.

Want to know how long a ceremony goes for?
What do you do with your guests in between ceremony and reception?
When do you cut the cake?
Can I pat the cow?

These questions and more will be answered as the SWC Team walk you through the do’s, don’ts and maybes of a wedding.

Tour the grounds, talk to the SWC team at Adams Peak.

From the moment you step on the grounds, you’ll walk through a wedding with expert advice and tips along the way.

Date: Sunday, 23 February 2025

Schedule: From 1:30pm the SWC team will walk you around the property and talk through all aspects of your wedding, from ceremony to reception.

Time: 1:30pm – 3:30pm

This event is immersive so we asked all attendees to arrive on time. The walk through will be completed by 3pm which 30 mins set aside at the end for questions and to talk to venues.

You’ll go home with a bunch of knowledge, a heap of vendors to consider and a love of Adams Peak.

Register now: